Customer Reviews
Over a million+ satisfied customers since 1998

I read another vendors pdf class and selected NOT to take their class due to the lack of information flow and disconnect in test questions. Glad I moved on to Wild Iris to complete my NYS mandatory.
Linda Dobson, RN in New York
Course: NY Child Abuse

The audio version was wonderful. I was happy to listen and read at the same time.
Vixen Divine, Massage Therapist at Trillion Dollar Transformation in Harrisburg, PA.
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania - Act 31 (2 Hours)

Excellent, efficient, and concise review of Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting. I would recommend to any colleague looking for maintaining professional licensing requirements.
Arshad Wani, MD, Penn Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania - Act 31 (2 Hours)

Excellent course content which I will highly recommend to others. Reasonable prices! Thanks to you and Wild Iris Medical for assisting me with my continuing education as I maneuver through my new journey.
Brenda S. Conley-Batts, Retired RN, Owner and Independent DE (Diabetic Educator) Contractor for DeafBlind Services; Retired Staff Nurse and Telephone Triage Nurse Trainer for Austin Regional Clinic; Retired CPR/First Aid Provider and Business Owner of Conley’s Heart. I’m an individual who is DeafBlind.
Course: Telephone Triage

I learn something new every time I complete this training. Thanks for creating something easy to navigate and comprehensive.
Lisa Hammett Price, PhD, CCC-SLP, Professor & Program Director at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania - Act 31 (2 Hours)

I downloaded the course guide months ago. I like that I can do that and take my time. And then was able to come in and complete the test. I tried twice to take it. First time I didn't pass. Then I brushed up on it and passed the second time. Really nice that it can be done that way before completing test and paying. Thank you!!!
Christy Boudreaux, RN, BSN, IBCLC

This course fulfilled my need for OT CEUS but also provided valuable information for me as the caregiver for my aging parents.
Linda Gardner, OTR
Course: Elder Care

Excellent course with thorough coverage of elder care. Really informative. A great review and resource.
Dara Vanden Bosch, RN
Course: Elder Care

In my role as program director - I found this course exceptional. I have a lot of experience in telephone triage, developed by experience and self learning. I have never taken a course before. Taking this course will be beneficial for program, orientation and policy development.
Barbara-Anne Maier, RN in Ontario
Course: Telephone Triage

Thanks, always setting the standard for how CEU courses should be done.
Kevin J Rabalais COTA, LCOTA, Select Medical/Inpatient Rehab-LaCombe, Louisiana
Course: Elder Care

This professional development was very well-researched and well-written. I appreciate all of the work put into it to provide healthcare workers with the best and most up-to-date information and evidence-based data. I am grateful and thank you!
Ndambi Gillespie, LMSW (Licensed Masters Social Work)
Course: Human Trafficking Training for Michigan Healthcare Professionals

I always get more out of these courses than I expect. Excellent content!
Mark Keenan, Paramedic/ALS Supervisor in California
Course: Mental Health Crisis Intervention and Support for Patients

This course held my interest, and wish it were a requirement for hospital nurses. Examples were great! I enjoyed the case studies as well. Nice job!
Terri Andrino Korte, RN (retired from 30 years ICU)
Course: Mental Health Crisis Intervention and Support for Patients

Great article! Kept my attention the whole time. Will improve my practice with COPD patients.
Teresa Ball, RN - Outpatient Cardiopulmonary Rehab
Course: COPD

This course was effective in describing the problems in human trafficking and the resources are helpful.
Marge Penning Ph D CCC SLP, former owner of Psycholinguist Services
Course: Human Trafficking for Michigan Healthcare Professionals

M Jones, RN, BSN, PHC
Course: Fall Prevention

Thanks! Really enjoyed this course. Was very organized without being boring. I liked the case studies, pictures, and overall format. Also, the price!
Terri Korte

I was dreading the thought this course would take longer than expected with almost 120 pages, but your website was very accurate about time to expect. I was also dreading taking such a lengthy course that was a requirement, not of my choosing, however, it not only held my interest throughout, but I found it very interesting and I learned so much. The course was laid out beautifully with very organized headers--Thank you for that!!
Rhonda Vincent, RN
Course: HIV/AIDS Training for Washington Healthcare Professionals

This the best article I have read about drug diversion and prescribing... Excellent-concise and to the point... just what I need to know without tons of useless info!
Becky Reichert, RN
Boer Hospice House
Course: Best-Practice Prescribing and Drug Diversion Training for West Virginia Nurses (1 Hour)

This is one of the the best online courses I have taken. I needed a course that would help me teach heart surgery patients what to expect in the periopertive period and beyond. It was succinct, easy to understand and met my needs. I will share this knowledge with coworkers and integrate into my practice.
Linda Baku, RN
Course: Cardiac Patient Care

I love that you can download the content to read and study at your own pace and then return to take the test. Very informative and affordable!
Kathi Martinez, RN
Alamo Heights Independent School District, Health Services Coordinator

I truly enjoyed this course. It was one of the most value-added on-line courses I have ever taken. Excellent and thank you.
Donna Ketchum, RN
Honeywell Aerospace Electronics Systems
Course: Breast Cancer

This is an excellent course! I am insisting that all of my nurses take it. Pertinent for ambulatory care nurses in allergy and immunization, triage and when working with medical providers. Well done!
Lyn Edington, RN
Director of Nursing at Pat Walker Health Center at the University of Arkansas
Course: Asthma

This is an excellent overview. The case studies were good to bring together all of the information and facts that were presented. Course content was organized and easy to read.
Joy Waters, PT
Hospice in Statesboro, GA
Course: Older Adult Care

Very well laid out and concise, with clearly defined objectives and useful information.
Lynette Kummerer, RN
Course: Florida Nursing Laws and Rules

Excellent website. The most organized I have found so far in reference to state-mandatory education requirements. Will use every year from now on! Thank you!
Courtney Roberts, RN
Course: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for West Virginia Registered Nurses
Course: Drug Diversion Training and Best Practice Prescribing for WV Nurses
This was an excellent training. I've been practicing for about 20 years so it was a good review and I learned a lot - thank you!
Angela Agelopoulos, Psy.D
Licensed Clinical Psychologist/Owner
Seattle Counseling and Wellness
This course was so organized and complete with valuable information. Discussed topics often overlooked.
Rosemary Fruman, RN in Pennsylvania
Course: Asthma
This course is very explicit, five stars for the author.
Erosenie Saint Vil, Dental Assistant in PA
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania - Act 31 (3 Hours)
Superior and more relevant to OT practice. Good description of terms and flow of material. Easily consumed. Liked the case studies, too!
Carolyn Hanson, Floria OT
As this was a review, some of the areas were not as time consuming as others to solidify my knowledge. It did, however, deliver a very comprehensive and in depth analysis of all areas in a way that allowed me to do more of a deep dive learning approach into areas that were not as strong in my clinical practice. It is an extremely helpful and well presented course. Thank you.
Shawn Young, RN in CA
I have found that I refer back to Wild Iris education more than any other CE provider. The layout and simplified (appropriately) terminology makes retention and understanding of the info so much easier.
Amy Coe, OT in California
Course: Diabetes Type 2
This course was really easy to follow and will definitely be referred back to. As an OT, I am going to be sharing this with the home health agency I work for to help other therapists become more up-to-date. Great course!
Amy Coe, OT in California
Course: Wound Care
I do this regularly in my work and am very familiar with the topic. This was one of the best, most concise trainings I've ever done on this topic! Well done!
Suzy W., RN
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania - Act 31 (2 Hours)
What a great course. It helped me understand many different concepts in palliative/hospice care (and I thought I knew a lot before this). I especially like the sections addressing different populations. It was very insightful.
Dang Lee, RN
Nice course to take. I used to dread taking the child abuse class because it was not presented too well. But you could listen to yours, stop it when you need to, and take notes. And resume again. Also, I appreciate your test questions being straightforward and not trick test questions.
Linda Schappell, SLP in Pennsylvania
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania - Act 31 (2 Hours)
Well done. I am a State contracted nurse delegator, and we are currently taking a close look at this issue in the populations we serve. This course has provided valuable information for redesigning our assessment tool as well as caregiver education in caring for vulnerable populations. Thank you!
Jesse C Russell, Rn
Course: Pressure Injuries: Risk Assessment and Prevention Measures
This was such a phenomenal learning opportunity about a heartbreaking and perplexing disease that has affected so many lives. I don't always leave a review that's well deserved, this comprehensive learning activity was exceptional. Thank you!
Marijean Stephenson, Project Shield, Presbyterian Medical Services, Farmington, New Mexico
Great Course! I am a Geriatric Nurse Specialist and thought I knew all there was to know about Alzheimers, but I learned so much more with this course!
Laura Bryant, RN
Excellent material and very well formatted for learning and understanding as well as improving my skills and knowledge working with Cardiac Disease patients.
Cheryl, RN Case Manager
Course: Coronary Artery Disease
Best online course so far; will help immensely with clinical and personal cases! Thank you!
RJ, Registered Nurse
This was an excellent course. It was a very thorough explanation of wound care and will certainly help me in my practice. I highly recommend the course.
Donna McArthur, MS RN, Adjunct Professor of Nursing
Course: Wound Care
This course contains up-to-date and relevant information that is presented in a user-friendly format.
Fiona C., RN
Course: Asthma
Since this is basically a review after initially being required to take a 3 hr course, I did not need a full 2 hours. However, the content was so masterfully presented as to make it readily and quickly absorbed and integrated. So well presented! Clear, concise, thorough. Thank you!
Michelle, RN in Pennsylvania
Course: Act 31 Child Abuse 2 hours
The course was easy to understand and was presented effectively. It summarizes the given information very well that can help a healthcare professional to be competent in the workplace.
Martha Rouvie Academia Mediano, RN in New Mexico
Has piqued my interest to read more, as I had limited information and now would like to learn more. It followed a structured and non-biased format (as it should --lol), was very informative, and gave me the kick in the backside to keep reading and learning. Thanks much.
Dianne Curry, RN/APRN in Nevada
Course: Dementia
I always look forward to Wild Iris CEU's. Information is presented in an informative yet concise way.
Mersiha A., RN
Course: Suicide Prevention and Screening
As an Advanced Practice Nurse, this offering not only built upon my foundation of knowledge, but helped me conceptualize a pathway to patient care delivery to help those with type 2 diabetes not only deteriorate from getting worse, to actually getting better!
Chad Whitmore, board-certified CNS at Trinity Health Ann Arbor
Course: Diabetes Type 2
Thanks for the option of paying AFTER taking class and passing test! This feature will make me a return customer.
Jina Vick, New Mexico RN, Nurse Practitioner
As someone who does not retain information well just by reading, as well as struggles to take test because of anxiety, it was very well written in a way I actually understood and was able to complete the quiz with 100% thank you.
Tiffany T.
Course: Bloodborne pathogens
A very good course, well-written and well designed. Also I feel it was the right level of detail.
Richard Kruzynski, pharmacist in PA
Course: PA Act 31 Child Abuse 2 hours
I loved this course. I am an oncology nurse practitioner and see many different wounds. I have a better idea how to address these wound issues. Plus I work frequently with our wound care team. Course amazing. Thank you.
Anne Spinner Borofsky
Course: Wound Care
Wonderful. Thank you for putting into words acknowledging and verifying these experiences for many caregivers, increase awareness and ways to mitigate/resolve and avoid work related stress.
Alan P. OT from North Carolina
Course: Work-Related Stress
Appreciate the ease of use: Download, read/study, take test and pay for course. For busy professionals, this is much appreciated. Thank you.
Dr. Patricia L. Cafaro, DNP, FNP-BC, CRNP
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania - Act 31 (2 Hours)
I printed off the course and read it yesterday. A very handy way to learn the material. Thank you for that option!
Amy Wheaton, RN in Ohio
Course: Cardiac Patient Care
Excellent review for working RN with 40+ years experience in Ed/ambulatory care.
Rayette A, RN in CA
Course: Wound Care
Very helpful overview! I think this will improve my practice in the inpatient setting.
Annika, RN in ME
I enjoy all of the Wild Iris courses as they are clear, concise and comprehensive. This course was no exception and provided new information. Thank you.
Susan Studebaker, APN in Texas
Course: Older Adult and Geriatric Care for Texas Nurses
Course was excellent. I thought that I knew quite a lot about the subject-- and I was wrong! The course provided a lot of new information that will hopefully improve my practice. Thank you!
Susan Studebaker, APN in Texas
Course: Human Trafficking Prevention Training for Texas Healthcare Practitioners
This course was a great course and easily digested. I thought I was informed, but I learned a great more from this course!
Theresa Forth, RN at Optum Health
Extremely well written course, broken into digestible chunks. Kudos to the instructional designer/authors that put this together!
Angela Sarno, OT in Illinois
Course: Sexual Harassment Training for Illinois Healthcare Professionals
Wow, i thought i knew more about Infection Control but this course provided more information and practical knowledge i will use in my setting.
Michael Ousby, OT in California
Course: Infection Control
Extremely detailed course- best one on Alzheimer's that I have taken. Loved the explanations of all the evidence based research/statistics.
Ashley Holmes, OT in Massachusetts
Course: Dementia
What a perfect topic for a SNF OT like me! The sentence language used for male/female body parts is non-offensive for such a sensitive topic. I actually enjoyed the entire reading. Thank you for covering this topic!!!
Karen, OTR
Course: Incontinence
Attractively presented and easy to navigate. I had very little difficulty answering exam questions correctly based on the information provided.
Fionna B. - Registered Nurse
Course: Elder Care
This took me the time allotted to finish, but was well worth the effort. This was one of the most informative and well written CE Courses that I have taken. It was interesting all the way through. I have never heard of 'Wild Iris' before, but after this, I will be back every time I need CE education. Thank you.
Karen Parker, RN and Psychologist in FL
Course: Breast Cancer
Very good course. I learned so much about the medical management of strokes that I did not know before. Thank you!
Heather T., OT
Course: Stroke Comprehensive Acute Care
Excellent and in-depth overview of asthma including pathophysiology, symptoms, and treatment. Highly recommend!
Stephanie, OT
Course: Asthma Patient Care
Love taking these courses u offer at my own leisure & time:). Very informative on each subject & gives great insight for specific details on what is being discussed.
Kathy Helton, LPN in Ohio
Course: Fall Prevention
I appreciated the thoroughness and the well organized manner of the information presented. I will and have already implemented my new knowledge in my professional practice. Thank you for creating such a helpful CE course.
Nicole Cline, OT
Fantastic review! This will definitely improve my performance and understanding at work. Loved it.
Tava Riley, EMT
I always purchased your course for medical errors, I really like the fact I can see the materials before I took my test and also I can look at it again for future reference (although I often don't read it again), but I just like that I can see the materials before I pay for it.
YH Chen, Dietician/Nutritionist
Course: Prevention of Medical Errors for Florida Healthcare Professionals
This course helped me to upgrade my skills. The case studies and information presented were extremely professional.
Rhonda L., OTA
Course: Understanding Mental Illness for All Healthcare Professionals
This course is information-rich. The test questions are worded well enough to require comprehension of the material one has read and not simply filling in blanks of verbatim sentences from the content that are repeated as test questions. This was my first Wild Iris CE course, but it won't be my last!
Jason Marshall, Paramedic at American Medical Response
I liked how you could access the PDF version and could read the material at your own pace and did not have to pay before completing the test. Easy to access and complete. How information was presented made it very easy to understand and follow without too much detail to make it overwhelming.
Kaitlyn D., PT, DPT
Course: Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting in Pennsylvania (2 CH) Mandated Reporter Training
I have tried other tests before but Wild Iris surpasses all others. Excellent!
Cordell Maule, NP
Course: Infection Control Training for New York State Healthcare Professionals
I love Wild Iris! The course material is interesting and engaging. The courses are challenging and relevant. I actually learn something when I take your classes. Thank you.
Tamara McCauley, MSN, RN
Kaiser Permanente, TPMG
Course: Pain Management
This course was exceptional in content, relevance, and accuracy. The presentation of current and updated information was also excellent. I would recommend this course for all practitioners who need a thorough review of prostate cancer.
Melissa Behnke, MN, RN, AOCNS for more than 40 years
Patient Family Care Advisor for Kings Daughter's Medical Center in Ashland, KY, and Independent Nursing Consultant in Oncology
Course: Prostate Cancer
This is one of the best CEU courses I've ever taken. I've been a nurse for over 20 years. Well written, held my attention, great case study, relevant test questions. I really enjoy working with businesses that provide an exceptional product as well as excellent customer service. I only took the course because it was required for my licensure. I didn't realize how much I would learn and enjoy it because of the way it was presented. High five to those authors. I'm not required to take the course on controlled substances, but I'm thinking about taking it anyway because of the way the Wild Iris Medical Education offers it, even before the 15% discount offered as a new customer. I can't express how enjoyable it is to read something that is straightforward, professional, and has real application examples clearly and concisely presented. Your website is so easy to navigate as well. I wish your company continued success. I'll be back to Wild Iris Medical Education. Thank you.
MaryAnn P., RN, BSN
Course: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) for West Virginia Registered Nurses
Well-organized presentation without excess verbiage. Information delivered in an expedient format.
Jeanne Longbottom, MSN-Ed, RN, CHPN
I always enjoy learning with this educational site. I recommend it to other agencies and my fellow nurses. Thank you for being a fair, professional learning site.
Genina LaLand, RN
Course: Wound Care
I thought this was a very well-organized and interesting learnpoint. I was able to read though without feeling overwhelmed or bored and found it very interesting.
Abigail Cole, RN
This course was easy to access and met my needs for CEUs in a manner that fits my lifestyle.
Denise Koser, RN
Thank you for providing an educational course relevant to my area of nursing. I'm especially happy to be able to receive the certificate of completion immediately.
Anita Hopson, RN
Course: Pregnancy Complications
Though this course was LONG, it is well-written and an excellent comprehensive review/update about HIV/AIDS. This has been one of the most informative and interesting continuing education courses I have completed this year.
Katherine K., RN
Course: HIV/AIDS Training for Washington Healthcare Professionals (7 CH)
This is the first online course I have completed for CEUs. I have always attended classes, but due to their escalating prices chose this. For the first time, I have not been bored to tears and can learn at my own pace.
Ryan, OT