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Implicit Bias Training for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals

You can take the test without obligation. To earn CE credit, you need to pass the test, complete an evaluation, and register/pay for your Certificate of Completion. Your Certificate will be delivered online immediately upon completing the course registration. (There is no charge for free courses and online certificate delivery.)

  • You must score 70% or better to pass this test.
  • Select one answer for each question.
  • Review your selections before submitting the test for grading.

NoteThis course was revised and updated on December 19, 2023. If you printed test questions from the previous version of this course, you will find that some questions in your printed version differ from the test below.

Test Question

1. To which characteristic is conformity bias most closely related?

Test Question

2. Which example illustrates implicit bias?

Test Question

3. Which statement demonstrates implicit bias by a healthcare professional?

Test Question

4. Which action has been linked to decreasing implicit bias in a healthcare organization?

Test Question

5. Listening to colleagues who are members of minority groups to learn how bias affects their lives is an example of which step in the PRESS model?

Test Question

6. Which awareness strategy within the IMPLICIT mnemonic involves using statements that embrace inclusivity rather than focusing on what makes someone “different”?

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