Updated June 2021
All licensed medical professionals work under accepted standards derived from local, state, and federal laws as well as professional guidelines. Licensed nurses are no exception. Their scope of practice is defined by the Nurse Practice Act (NPA) of the state in which they practice. In Ohio, the NPA is codified in Section 4723 of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC). It establishes an Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) and defines its structure and function.
Nurses in Ohio are required by law to renew their licenses biannually.
What is the deadline for Ohio nurses to renew their license?

- For Registered Nurses (RN) and Advanced Practice Nurses (APRN), the biennial renewal period is open from July 1to October 31 in odd-numbered years (2021, 2023, etc.)
- For Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) the biennial renewal period is open from September 1 to August 31 in even-numbered years (2020, 2022, etc.).
The Board sends out renewal notices during this time. The Board recommends you renew your license as early as possible to prevent it from lapsing. You are not permitted to work if your license is expired or lapsed. A nurse whose license has expired must use the reactivation/reinstatement application available on the Board’s website. All nursing CE requirements apply (see below).
Has the LPN renewal deadline for 2021 been extended due to COVID-19?
Yes, license renewals for LPNs have been temporarily extended. House Bill (HB) 404 extended the LPN renewal deadline to July 1, 2021. You must renew your license on or before July 1 or it will lapse on July 2, 2021.
The Board strongly encourages LPNs to renew their licenses now to avoid the possibility having your license lapse. Once your license lapses, you cannot work as an LPN and you must apply for reinstatement of your lapsed license. which requires an additional application, Board review, and fee. You will not be able to work under the lapsed license while the application for reinstatement of your lapsed license is being reviewed and processed.
What are the fees for Ohio nursing license renewal in 2021?

- From July 1 to September 15, the RN and LPN renewal fee is $65.00 plus a $3.50 transaction fee charged by Ohio eLicense.
- From July 1 to September 15, the APRN renewal fee is $135.00 plus a $3.50 transaction fee charged by Ohio eLicense.
- From September 16 to October 21, fees include the above renewal and transaction fees plus an additional $50 late-processing fee.
- All fees are non-refundable.
- The final deadline for RN and APRN license renewal is October 31, 2021.
How many CE hours are needed to renew an Ohio LPN, RN, or APRN nursing license in 2021?

For RNs renewing in 2021, required CE contact hours must be completed between November 1, 2019, and October 31, 2021. RNs must complete 24 contact hours of continuing nursing education per renewal period.
APRNs must complete 36 contact hours of continuing education. Clinical nurse specialists (CNS) who are not certified by a national nursing certifying organization must obtain 12 additional contact hours in the nurse’s area of practice or in relevant programs from other healthcare disciplines. For an APRN-CNP, APRN-CNS, or APRN-CNM, at least 12 of the 24 contact hours must include CE in advanced pharmacology.
For both RNs and APRNs, at least one hour of education must be directly related to statues and rules pertaining to the practice of nursing in Ohio, Category A.
A nurse who has been licensed by endorsement for less than or equal to one year must complete 12 contact hours of continuing education.
Although the Ohio BON does not require nurses to submit documentation of CE when renewing a license, the board may conduct random audits. It is recommended that nurses keep six years worth of records of continuing education compliance.
LPNs must complete 24 contact hours per renewal period. At least one hour of education must be directly related to statues and rules pertaining to the practice of nursing in Ohio, Category A.
Nurses in Ohio are required by law to renew their licenses biannually.
Where can a nurse complete the required education on Ohio laws and rules?

Wild Iris Medical Education is accredited by the ANCC (American Nurse Credentialing Center) to provide continuing nursing education. Their mandatory Ohio courses are accepted by the OH Board of Nursing (BON).
The 1-hour and 2-hour Nurse Practice Act courses pertaining to standards of safe nursing and laws and rules, OLN-I-1909-17, have been approved for 1.0 and 2.0 contact hours, Category A, by the Ohio Board of Nursing through the approver unit at the Ohio League for Nursing (OBN-006-92).
What content is covered in Ohio Nursing Law CEU, Category A, continuing education?
The 1-hour or 2 contact hours of Ohio law and rule category A continuing nursing education (CNE) course is mandatory for all nurses in the state of Ohio. The 2-hour Ohio CEU course is mandated for applicants applying for licensure by endorsement from another state. The Ohio Nurse Practice Act covers standards for competent nursing practice.
These courses are also referred to as Nurse Practice Act Ohio. Both courses explain the standards of safe nursing practice as outlined in the Ohio Nurse Practice Act and the rules of the Ohio Administrative Code as written by the Ohio Board of Nursing in accordance with Section 4723 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Specific learning objectives include:
- Compare the roles of the Ohio Board of Nursing and Ohio professional associations.
- Discuss the standards for competent nursing practice of RNs and LPNs in Ohio.
- Explain standards for the promotion of patient safety by licensed nurses in Ohio.
- Contrast the RN and LPN standards for applying the nursing process in Ohio.
How can I stay up to date on any new continuing education requirements?
It is recommended to check the Ohio Board of Nursing website directly to stay abreast of any updates or changes to licensing and continuing education requirements.
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About Wild Iris Medical Education:
Wild Iris Medical Education, Inc., is a privately held, woman-owned company providing online healthcare continuing education. In 1998, we began offering online ANCC-accredited nursing continuing education courses and since then have expanded to provide CEUs for occupational therapists, physical therapists, paramedics, EMTs, and other healthcare professionals.
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